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Pokémon Evan’s Adventure
Pokemon Evans Adventure was the first and last videogame I made when I was younger (back in 2000… Don’t judge the typos in this game haha). I built this on RPGMaker95+, one of the first English-Translated RPG Makers. I tried to push the bounds on graphics available to Me at the time (8 bit BMPs – eek!). I made some characters in 3D and converted to BMP (I didn’t get to making all characters in 3D, as You can see). I meant to make more on this game. You might see other sprites I created that were unused (Charmander, Meowth, etc)… but life happened! I put this game back up on my website out of Nostalgia, seeing peoples positive reviews, and that people were looking for my game. Hope You enjoy this and remember to Love Your Inner Child!
~ Love Zodi
(AKA. Zodi Artwork, Kevin, & SquarEarth)
I made this safe download link on my Google Drive:
Made for Windows
If You have an Apple / MAC:
You can play it on an App called Parallels found on AppleStore.
How To Launch Game:
1. Unzip Folder “Pokemon“.
2. Open the “_GAME.EXE” to play (I added an underscore to bring to top).
3. Hit SPACEBAR or LEFT MOUSE CLICK to go through until game starts.
If the Resolution/Screen is Off:
After You left click or spacebar through the opening to make the game start do these 3 STEPS:
1. RIGHT CLICK (Or hit the ESCAPE KEY) to bring up MENU.
2. Then Click “System“.
3. Then Click “Screen Mode”.
(This will make the game fit into a smaller screen instead of full size)
4. Changing Your computer Display Resolution to 1280x 960 it is perfect to make Screen Mode look Full Screen! (Resolution of Game is: 640×480) see menu below:

Original Story:
This game takes place in the future, after the death of Ash Ketchum [the worlds greatest Pokémon Trainer]. You are Evan, a simple boy who has one Pokémon, Gastly. You and him have to journey through this world in search of other Pokémon [especiallly Mewthree], You also must save a town from the virus Pokémon, MissingNo. Meet new friends like James and Persian, discover new Pokémon like Hitmovandam, even have a Togepy Omelette…never mind.
Meaning Behind the Game:
I chose the name Evan after my favorite cousin Evan. We would collect and play Pokemon cards together… man I regret selling those cards they are worth thousands now! Naomi was a name of a girl I had a crush on… The other characters names are family members (my dads name is Jim, brother ID Loren and my sister is Hannah). Sabrina the mom was from the cartoon (not my real mom Cheri, who is alive – I love her she’s just very brainwashed). It’s fun mixing in real & Your favorite things in life back into Your games! I forgot how dark I made this game…wow! I grew up gothic and looked at death like a part of life…normally something to be scared of. I was always fascinated by the unknown spiritual world and life after death, meditation, and psychic powers. I was raised extremely religious from my moms side teaching Me it was bad… so You can see where the battle was in my mind back then… I guess this game was all an analogy of putting an end to my religious upbringings and realizing we are gods and have choice to Our own life bringing… or better said manifesting destruction or peace. I choose peace and freedom from rules.
NOTE: No Pokémon’s or Humans were hurt in the making of this game haha.
Evan![]() Just a normal kid, with psychic powers. | Gastly![]() It will evolve into Haunter, then Gengar. |
Naomi![]() Evans girlfriend, She joined Team Rocket. | Jr. Oak![]() Professor Oak’s Great Grandson, he is very smart. |
Robochu![]() The original Pikachu, It never evolved and it died. Jr. Oak put him together with mechanical parts. | James![]() Still has the blue hair. A little smarter though. |
Hitmovandam![]() The fastest and strongest Fighting Pokémon, very rare. | Mewthree![]() More test and cloning have been done on Mew! |
There is other weird Characters that appear in the game: the Glitch MissingNo (who appears in Pokemon Red & Blue on Gameboy – In my story You see how it was created), Ditto (my favorite pokemon because they can be anything), and more!

- In the house you start in, look out the window and you will catch a Arcanine taking a dump on your front lawn! Go outside and you can see it… and step in it!
- After you get some Fire Wood and put it in the Fireplace, search again where the wood was and you will find a Dull Axe! This is a weapon You can equip (Go to Menu/Equipment/Evan/Weapons and equip the Axe!]
- To get the Pokédex you need to get the pile of dirt to the left of Gastly’s grave, and put it in the hole so you can search on Professor Oaks Gravestone… you will find a secret compartment with a Pokédex inside!
- In HotelPoké after you wake up, on the table search on the vase and NOT the food. You will get 3 Breakfast foods instead of 2!
- At Muk Swamp after you defeat the Baby Grimer, search on the side window of the house and there will be a suprise…(I can’t tell you what it is)
- When its Morning go back to Naomi’s House and a guy will be there looking for Naomi and he will give you a TR Card to get in the Hideout Room(later in the game) which is in the Town with MissingNo… the boss will give You a nice surprise.
- Inside the Diglett Cave after you fall down the second hole you will see some dark dirt infront of the wall and if you search on it the wall will break and if you follow the path you will find a Marowak’s Bone [the second strongest weapon (Go to: Menu/Equipment/Evan/Weapons and equip it!)
- When you get the Bucket Item go to the Well and you can get some Water, then after you fight Eevee the trainer will ask what he should evolve Eevee into and if you pick Flareon then later on you can splash the Water on it and you don’t have to fight it!
WARNING: Only read this if you stuck and you don’t know what to do. Others wise the game is not as fun.
Before you leave your house get your Jacket out of your drawer, because its cold outside. When your outside go up the path and you will see some Fire Wood, take some and put it in the fireplace inside your house.
Go down the Path to the Graveyard, Search on every gravestone and eventually, a Gastly will come out and fight you! If you beat him, you will catch it with your Pokeball and now he’s on your team!
Next to the Graveyard you will find a tree with a nest, search on the nest and you will get a Pidgey Egg! [Later on the Pidgey Eggs will hatch]
You can’t go to Muk Swamp because its to dark out, so you have to go up Ekans Pass. You will have to fight or dodge a lot of Ekans, so be prepared!
When you reach the town, the only place thats open is the Hotel Poke. You need to sleep till morning so you can go to Muk Swamp…but whats this? The Hotel Poke is infested with Pikachu’s! You must battle them so you can get some rest. Don’t forget to get some Matches by the regester desk, so you can lite the Fire Wood later. When you wake up, go into the PokeShop and buy a Candle you will need it later on. Now go back down Ekans Pass and then back to your house, lite the Fire Wood with your Matches.
You need to put the Pidgey Egg by the Fire to keep it warm. Leave the Egg there.
Now you can go to Muk Swamp! You will see a Grimer trying to break in some guys house and you have to save him by defeating the Grimer.
If you talk to the guy he will give you some info on what to do.
Now you can go into the Diglett Cave, and guess what you fight…a Diglett! [that was kinda lame] Anways you beat the Diglett and he will make a hole in the ground. Fall down it to go to the lower level of the cave. Watch out for Zubats!
You can’t move the boulders just yet so you have to go in the next cave and fight the Dugtrio! After you beat him you will learn Strength. Now you can move the boulders.
You have to push the boulders in a certain order to get by, so if you mess up just go back into the cave where Dugtrio was, and then go back to the boulders and they will go back to default (mistakes happen).
When you get out of Diglett Cave there is a Kabuto eating some Poke food, you will have to fight him to get the food.
Now that you have the food you can put it on the rock, and the legendary Bulbasaur will come out and eat it. Bulbasaur will do you a favor and use his Vine Whip attack across the swamp onto a rock. you can go across his Vines to the other side.
The only place across the Swamp is a Wood Shop, go inside and talk to the guy. He will give you a Saw and make sure to pick up the Gloves, you and him have to make a Raft to get back across the Swamp.
Next You need to cut down the weird looking trees and give it to him (one at a time), He will need 3 Logs of wood, then he will make you a Raft. Leave his shop to give him time. Go back inside and grab the raft then go back across the swamp to Gastly.
Go through Ekans Pass again (make sure to save at PokeHotel) then upward to the next town. Now that you got the Gloves you can move the Broken tree branch out of the way, and you can go up the path to Caterpie Forest.
In Caterpie Forest you will fight or dodge…guess again…lots of Caterpie’s, at the end of the forest you will fight a Metapod and the it evolves along with another surprise evolving.
Go into the next Town and you can go to the Poke Center and you can heal and save. There is also a kid in the town that has a Eevee. If you beat him the kid will let you pick what his Eevee should evolve into: Jolteon, Flareon, or Vaporeon! (a secret happens later if You pick Flareon).
Go futher up the town and you will see a whole bunch of mad people! There is a Magnemite that is ruining all the T.V.s and watches from its magnets! and its magnets are attracting Voltorbs.
The Magnemite is blocking your path so you must fight him. [try to stay away from the Voltorbs!]. You can now go into the Snowy Forest.
When You go down to the beach You can fight a Squitel and if You defeat it You can equip its shell as a shield! Next is the town affected by MissingNo. You will have to figure Your way through this town.
When You get Mewthree go into the empty lab to the right, Mewthree will teleport You somewhere.
There is 2 endings. The nicer ending is longer and You will meet an old Legend with a unique story!
The rest is a mystery. Have Fun!
I made this game on one of the first RPG Makers: RPGMaker95+ (Translated by DonMiguel). If Your interested in making Your own Games I really Recommend RPG Maker MV on Steam – it works on Both Windows and Apple/MAC!
RPG Maker MV on Steam:
Be sure to support the official Pokemon Website:
Official Pokémon Website:
Other Games I am working on (2025):